1. Las Vegas Hilton - old house chip. I call this one the Rainbow chip, because there's a huge rainbow across the front. With the Hilton changing affiliations, I'm trying to get all the old chips from there. I think it's just called LVH now, but I'm not sure what they are using for chips.

2. Las Vegas Hilton - old house chip. I call this one Big Red. It's all red with a huge $5 on the front. Not very imaginative. Also not as gay-friendly as the Rainbow chip.

3. Las Vegas Hilton - old house chip. No clever name for this one, it has a black and white print of the hotel tower with "Hilton" in script across it. One more older Hilton chip to get, and then I think that's it. Aside from the Spock chips that are wildly expensive. Damn Star Trekkies.

4. Monte Carlo - 1st Anniversary. Do you remember where you were on June 21st, 1997?

5. Monte Carlo - 2nd Anniversary. How about on June 21, 1998? And what event happened on June 21, 1999 to make them go against a Third Anniversary chip and ruin the streak?

6. Western - old house chip. The Western closed on Jan. 17. 2012. Pour out a little liquor.

*I swear, I'll get pictures up relatively soon. I have chip-getting trips planned to Savannah and some town in West Virginia this month, so after that, I'll post pictures. I know you are all dying to see these beauties.