1. O'Shea's - new house chip. O'Shea's really went all out with their new chip... it is exactly the same as their previous chip only they added a tiny top hat logo above the name of the casino. Scintillating. From the looks of it, they haven't changed anything else about the actual casino, so they have that going for them.

2. Monte Carlo - Jabbawockeez. Again - a really bold move by a casino here as it's the same as the other Jabba chip, only instead of having a black insert, this one is white. The group's motto is apparently "Laugh Cheer Move." I bet when the Monte Carlo caught on fire a few years back everyone skipped the laugh and cheer part. Which reminds me of something I commented on on twitter (@jonross22)... The Carlo has a casino bar named "Ignite." How quickly we forget the 2008 fire. Unless they were going for irony. Which, if that was the case, why not just name the bar "Smoke Inhalation?"

3. Flamingo - Margaritaville Casino. This is a section of the Flamingo dubbed "Margaritaville." It appears to be as dumb as it sounds. I didn't even stroll through it to double-check.

4. Flamingo - new house chip. As opposed to the Margaritaville chip, I actually like the new Flamingo chip. It has a little flamingo bird above the script "Flamingo." Looks nice and isn't super busy. I bet they have a separate marketing department than the Margaritaville folks.

5. New York, New York - new house chip. Gone is the Statue of Liberty, replaced by just a red insert with a printed "New York New York." Not nearly as good as the old one. I still can't walk into this place without immediately thinking of two stories; the fight, and the ecstasy.

That's it for now - I'm off to read about a proposed casino Lansing hopes to open in 23-24 years. Hopefully that will be chip #1200 or something for me.