A recent work trip brought me to the relatively new Riverside Casino and Golf Resort. It opened about 5 years ago and still looks brand new. The golf course looks very, very nice. I might have to bring my clubs with me next time.
I played $5 blackjack both nights I stayed there. The first went fine. I sat at first base with 5 kids from the University of Iowa. A couple of them knew how to play so they were keeping the other kids in line. Which was nice. No table shenanigans and I won a couple of hands. All is good.
The next night, I sat at first base with some older people. They sucked. I wish I had my notebook with me so I could write down all the horrible plays. One lady, playing in the middle, had unique "strategy." She based what she though the dealer's down card was based on the second card dealt to third base. If third base got a low card second, the dealer's down card was a 10. And vice-versa. I'm not shitting you. So, it didn't matter what she had, she hit/stayed based on what she thought the dealer had. And of course, it "worked" 1 out of 5 times. And the one time it worked, she made a big deal about her strategy "always" working. Idiot. The guy sitting to her left was also a dope. He had a weird mustache and had a confused look on his face... like he was counting cards, but they were going by too fast. Or he couldn't remember if an 8 counted as a zero or not. At least, I hope he was a failing card counter. No person should be staying on 14s and 16s against 8s and 9s. Yes, he did this. Multiple times.
Very rarely have I seen table play so bad and having such a negative effect on everyone's hands that I jump up and run like the building is on fire... but this was one of those nights. In 20-25 minutes, I saw so many bad plays, I snapped. I scooped up my chips, stood up and beat feet. I didn't even answer when the dealer asked if she could 'color me up.' I was not going to spend another second at that table, no matter what. That place must rake in the dough if that's their normal clientele.