Opening Day 2009... known more for the Tigers 15-2 win over Texas, but also as the day I collected this Greektown Christmas 2004 chip. After Rob, Eric, Kapp and I went to the game, the DBC and a few other bars, three of us went to the casino. Kapp went to another bar (surprise!). Rob did fairly well, as I watched him play and Eric played in another portion of the casino. Then we met Kapp at the bar and for dinner (Right off the street!). To escape further shenanigans, the three of us once again went to the casino whilst Kapp once again went to the bar. In fact, Kapp was in pursuit of more shenanigans. After watching Rob and Eric do well, I finally sat down in third base and the three of us played in a row at the same table. Normally I don't play continuous shuffle machines, especially for $25 a hand, but I was drunk. 45 minutes later, I was up about $150 and the guys were ready to go, so I cashed in and in the process picked up this sweet reminder of what Christmas in a casino, in Detroit, 5 years ago, must have been like.
Earlier in the day, in an episode totally unrelated to the casino, I had to worst $5 cab ride of all time. Kapp and I got a cab at the Ren Cen and were hoping to get to Centar via some back roads, due to the gameday/Good Friday traffic. We get in the cab and in the course of two blocks, this was what was said:
Me: Can you take us to the Centar? It's at Montcalm and Park.
Cabbie: Montcalm and Park.
Me: It's really busy around the stadium, so if you know any back roads... that'd be awesome.
Cabbie: Centar.
Me: Yep.
Cabbie: Going to baseball game?
Me: Well, yes... in 3 hours... it's only 10am. Let's just get to the bar.
Cabbie: Where it is?
Me: What?
Cabbie: I take you to game?
Me: No. The Centar.
Cabbie: I'm new here, I don't know that.
Me: Montcalm and Park.
Cabbie: No.
Me: It's across from the Town Pump. Hockeytown. It's got a giant freaking puck rotating 50 feet in the sky. You don't know where that is?
Cabbie: I take you to Greektown?
Me: That's awesome... we're in Greektown. We want Hockeytown.
Cabbie: Baseball game.
Me: Fine. Take us to Comerica, that's close enough.
Cabbie: I know Ford Field. Go there?
Me: What? Comerica is across the goddamn street. How can you not know where Comerica is?
Cabbie: I'm new.
Me: Just stop, we'll get out and walk from here. Fuck me.
Gotta love April in the D.