Added nine new chips to my collection this past week, thanks to my brother. He was able to scour the streets of Las Vegas to get me; the new Bellagio house chip, the new California house chip, the Riviera Crazy Girls chip, the Riviera 1955 chip, the Gold Coast house chip, the new Las Vegas Club house chip, one of the Rio's Penn & Teller chips, the Four Queens' 5 year anniversary chip and the Four Queens' 8-8-08 chip.
Nothing exciting about the collection of these chips, but on the drive home from the UP my brother was driving his rental car. Just north of Gaylord, we hit something in the road and blew two tires and damamged the rims. After getting towed to a car dealership in Gaylord, the service guy told us he couldn't find any tires to put on, or a second spare to put on and we would have to spend the night in Gaylord and deal with it in the morning. Awesome. He wanted my brother to drop almost 2 grand on a rental car, instead of just putting two spares on it and sending us on our way. In the morning, after some convincing, he finally relented and put two spares on it and we were off. I made it to Mt. Pleasant to get my car and my brother made it to Detroit in time to make his flight home to Vegas. I don't know why the dealership couldn't have put the two spares on the night before, saving us the trouble of staying in Gaylord... but if you are in northern lower Michigan and looking to buy a car, I'd stay away from the GM dealership in Gaylord. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer.