Now that I have uploaded my current collection of $5 casino chips, I'll start to post some of the cool stories that go with some of these chips. I'll also be posting pictures of any new chips I get from here on out.
To start, the first chips that I actively sought to get were the Barbary Coast 25 Year Anniversary chips. There were 4 in all, one each for the 4 original owners. They were; Kenny Epstein, Michael Gaughan, Tino Tiberti, and Frank Toti.

I was able to get two of the four through normal blackjack play at the BC. After a few gin and tonics, I decided I had to have all 4. After hours of play, I was still stuck with just 2. So, I went to the cage and asked for the other two. It took them a while to go through stacks of chips and find the two I wanted, but seeing how it was probably 4am when I did this, I think they lady was more than happy to humor my drunk ass. So, I had the 4 original owners. I also scooped up a BC house chip (one of my all-time favorites) and my collection had begun. Live the Legend.